Monday, 31 August 2009

Silly Wabbits

Dali 1

Dali 2_3

HAIR: All hairs from Elv'an - previously blogged, hairs are between $3-$5 - items in store $0-5 clothes, eyes, hairs, tattoo, boots, lots of variety & good for rp-

Dali 4 copy

Dali 5

SKIN: August 30 - September 1 find 15 small satchels priced from $1-5 - [PACADI HUNT] - Bag A013 - $5 -
Pacadi blog

Myabi 1_2

Myabi 3

CLOTHING: Carrot hunt - find 10 carrots you can buy on this sim - clothes for guys & girls - *MIYABI*~Rabbit InThe Moon~ & *Salvador Dali* are the participating stores - $0 - hunt ends 4 September JP -
Miyabi blog
Salvador Dali blog

Myabi 4

Myabi 5

LOCATION: Astraia Sim

how did you come up with the name of your blog? It basically came from one of my favourite books: Alice in Wonderland, I've been enchanted by it ever since I was a child. when where you introduced to fashion? I think it was relatively late, as it was after finishing high school that I naturally became more fashion conscious and shown more interest in it. how do you describe your style? I think it is quite varied. One day it can be very feminine, another it's very girly and cute. I am a skirt and dress addict and I hardly wear any trousers!

Shift dresses and cute little retro dresses are definitely my staples no matter the season of the year. I love the nautical theme, which is an epitome of a summer outfit for me. Another big part of my style is rock chic, which is probably influenced my the music I listen's in a way expressing my music taste and I really enjoy heavy accessories and rock girl garments. what made you start a fashion blog? I've been watching other people's style blogs for some time and I have been very inspired by them. Apart from that I really felt the urge to share my style with people, so it just came to me naturally. Last but not least I wanted to participate in the blogger world more and exchange with other bloggers culturally. what do you think you bring to the fashion blog world? I guess it's a little bit of my quirky style with the hint of childhood imagery and a bit of my magical world. how is your style different than everyone else? I guess it's the case of putting clothes together in unexpected ways plus my inborn style that contributes to my style being different than others'. who is your inspiration? I love Alexa Chung, Fearne Cotton and Kate Moss' style. They're my style icons, but a lot of times I'm also inspired by the people I see on the streets and blogs. what impression do you want to leave on the people that visits your blog? I want them to feel inspired and indulge them in a little piece of childhood, that's so essential in all of us.

StyleCard: Nardcotix

Red shoes are my weakness. Sexy, high heeled, strappy, satiny and embellished - who can deny the appeal of a great looking shoe in a color that yells 'look at me'? Nardya Rousselot is clearly a woman after my own heart, she recently sent me a collection of her brand new footwear in a yummy shade of crimson. The Nardcotix name is known for great couture style evening wear and funky fashions, the shoe collection compliments it perfectly. The outfit NX Rose -Crimson- is a Starlight Exclusive created by Nardya for this very special boutique, you can only find it here.

More blogging soon, thanks for hanging in there with me :)

Shoes available at Nardcotix. Outfit available at Starlight Exclusives.

Sunday, 30 August 2009


On a side note, sorry that some of the pictures are cut off. It's because I'm a doofus and can't remember the dimensions of my own blog.


But you can click on them to make them bigger, if there's something you really, really want to see! :D Love me?
The Bubble Gum Hunt @ Urban Shopper -
Start Date - Saturday, August 29th
End Date - Sunday, September 13th
Total wads of gum to find: 16
Urban Shopper blog

BubbleGumHunt_Urban Shopper

Hair- Tiny Bird hunt prize from the Festivale sim poop hunt lasting ending 4 September -

Skin- .::Mother Goose's:: mary Pale_02 LB - Lucky Board -

Fall Accessories

Hey y'all, here's a little heads-up on coming attractions: I'm working on a series of collages showcasing some of the fall accessories to either look forward to (if you've got hella money) or hope to see in H&M (if you're broke like me).

Here's a little taste:

L to R: Nina Ricci, Diane von Furstenburg, Giambattista Valli; Versace, Balenciaga; Jimmy Choo, Mulberry (love it!), Fendi.

Saturday, 29 August 2009


Ever have that not so fresh feeling?? Me too! If so this is the perfect hunt for you! Pulse and Sn@tch City present the Summer Freshness Hunt (aka the Douche Hunt) Dozens of stores on both sims are participating and you can't ask for more neat stuff in one place. No running around and searching under tables and flying in the sky to find the landmark to the next place, no business in a box crappy freebies. This is the good stuff made by our original creators. Just wander both sims and search for the colored douche bottles. Most are free and some are severely discounted stuff! I can personally promise you at least 20 free gifts from Sn@tch so come by this weekend Friday through Monday and get FRESH! Get all the details and a list of stores participating at
slurl -
Items are between $0-100

Here's the $0 items I picked up. As you can see there are a lot of items for guys too! I only picked up a fraction of the $0 items, so there are a ton not pictured and don't forget you can pick up some super deals while hunting for these great freebies.

Sn@tch City Douche Hunt

Sn@tch City -
Pulse -

Sale/hunt ends Monday!

Participating vendors:
[Gauze], A-Bomb, iRen, Harlot, HOocHiEs, Moonshine, !ReToX!, Sable Rose, Sn@tch, Souzou Eien, Virus, World Wide Industries, =forsaken=

Mix the patterns

אומרים שהפכים נמשכים. במקרה של הדפסים אני חושבת שזה נכון. יש לי חיבה גדולה לשילובים בלתי אפשריים של הדפסים, כאלה שלכאורה ממש לא מסדרים יחד אבל במבט שני (או שלישי) מתחילה לבצבץ איזו הרמוניה. יש משהו בדברים שאינם מובנים מאליהם שאני מאוד אוהבת.

חולצה - קיבלתי במתנה (יותר נכון, סבתא שלי קיבלה השבוע במתנה מאחותה שבארה"ב אך זה היה קטן עליה ועל כן הועבר אלי)
חצאית - יד שניה
חגורה - יד שניה
נעליים - אלדו
עגילים - אקססוריז

There is a saying that contradictions attracts each other. In the case of patterns, I believe that's true. I have a great affection toward impossible mixes of patterns. I really love it when a combination looks at first weird and sort of wrong but when you take another glance at it you start seeing the harmony.

shirt - got as a present (in fact my grandma got it as a present from her sister that lives in the US but it was too small on her, so I got it)
skirt - second hand
belt - vintage
shoes - Aldo
earrings - Accessorize

Remember This?: Balenciaga Fall '07

Oh, those were the days.

Who am I kidding? Balenciaga is still good.

Friday, 28 August 2009

A Truck in the Transformer


HAIR: .:[ Tiny Bird ]:. The Art Teacher II - Spun Sugar - $0 - From the poop hunt lasting ending 4 September -
Tiny Bird blog
SKIN: .::Mother Goose's::. Emma SkiNE(1L$) -

EYES: :::Sn@tch Soulful Eyes (Fire Opal)::: - $0 - Sn@tch Douche Hunt only Until 31 August - Sn@tch blog

Seldom Blue blog

SHOES: magi take high heels with foot [ green ] - (group gift displayed upstairs in store) $0-
Magi Take blog

JEWELRY: Earring(Incense) - Three Hearts - $1 -

POSE: Tiny Awkward Bird - Pose 1, 2, & 3 - $0 - From the poop hunt lasting ending 4 September -
Tiny Bird blog

2_Slanted Fox

HAIR: Tiny Bird Poop Hunt '09 - Kissy Kissy Pack (7/9) - $0 - Tiny Bird poop hunt prize

SKIN: .::Mother Goose's::. DoNNa skiNe_00 - $1

EYES: :::Sn@tch Soulful Eyes (Grey Blue)::: - $0 - Sn@tch Douche prize

CLOTHING & SHOES: **SF** COCKTAIL WAITRESS, **SF** MAD HATTER'S BALL, **SF** PANDA STOMPERS, **SF** YUMMY YUKATA - COMPLETE - $1/each - Slanted Fox store closing - male clothes and shoes also -
Harajuku Box & Slanted Fox blog

POSE: POOP HUNT 09 - [LAP] 02 - Bowel Buddy - [LAP] - Chub-Aw Cheese, [LAP] - Chub-Cool Kid, & [LAP] - Chub-Timid Girl - $0 - Long Awkward Pose poop prize -
LAP blog


HAIR: Diversity - Jess - Tootsie Brown - $1 0r $0 -
Diversity blog

SKIN: KEI - Skin - summer - $1 -

EYES: Hearts in Her Eyes by Sinful Temptations - Starlust Panty Raid Item - Friday, August 14th- Sunday, August 30th -Lloyd:
Herman Melville:

Check out The Starlust Motel blog for additional prize pictures and information.

CLOTHING: "The Orangetail Bikini and Swallowtail Bikini are both incredible "dollarbie" values. The Heliconius Bikini and Dark Buckeye Bikini are both new designs and an amazing price of 10L each." - $1-10 - Yesod's Designs - TY Serena -


HAIR: PE Birthday Box of goodies (4 male hairs, 4 female hairs + choker & 2 bags)- Philotic Energy grab it before Monday! - $50 -
PE blog

SKIN: D:A*Alice in Nightmare SKIN - Dreaming Alice - $10 -
Dreaming Alice blog

CLOTHING: S.I.C. mask hunt items 1-10 - Search sims Sick, Sick2, and Sick 3 for 10 masks. This hunt is for the more experienced hunter. Items are dispersed from masks which you touch.
Sick (4 masks) -
Sick2 (3 masks)-
Sick3 (3 masks) -
S.I.C. blog post about hunt. (JP)

POSES: POOP HUNT 09 - [LAP] 01 - THE BIG SHIT - [LAP] - Freebie-Two Thumbs Up & [LAP] - Freebie-Longo Challenge
Unholstered Weapon Pose included in S.I.C. hunt weapon hud


HAIR: PE Birthday Box of goodies - Jessica - $50

SKIN: Estela skin *Rielle Skins* Megaspecial price $10 - Sinuous Shapes -

CLOTHING: FIERCE**ZANG 10 DOLLARBIE BIRTHDAY X - $10 - Happy anniversary to Fierce! - This dress may only be up until the end of this month so hurry if you want it. -

SHOES: :=:RW:=: Simple Pumps Fruit - :=:Ryouta Works:=: - $???? not free, but cheap -

POSE: *Vago* (not free)

6_PoopHunt Part 1

7_PoopHunt Part 2

All items pictured above from the Festivale sim poop hunt lasting ending 4 September -

Ok, so I picked up random things at the Sn@tch hunt. I'm not going to post them until later. But, since the hunt is only for a couple of days here's the info..............

Ever have that not so fresh feeling?? Me too! If so this is the perfect hunt for you! Pulse and Sn@tch City present the Summer Freshness Hunt (aka the Douche Hunt) Dozens of stores on both sims are participating and you can't ask for more neat stuff in one place. No running around and searching under tables and flying in the sky to find the landmark to the next place, no business in a box crappy freebies. This is the good stuff made by our original creators. Just wander both sims and search for the colored douche bottles. Most are free and some are severely discounted stuff! I can personally promise you at least 20 free gifts from Sn@tch so come by this weekend Friday through Monday and get FRESH! Get all the details and a list of stores participating at
slurl -
Items were between $0-100

ETA ... Oh hai Schnaeppchen did part of the douche hunt. Go check her blog. ^^


Target's StyleBoutique

Target recently launched Style Boutique, which, from what I gather, is going to be a weekly newsletter with style and decorating tips from designers that we all know and love.

This week, Jaye Hirsch, owner of Hollywood Intuition gives some tips based around the pieces she designed for Target. Next week, Nina Garcia! That should be interesting... I signed up for the newsletter, so hopefully it'll be worth it!

Thursday, 27 August 2009

how did you come up with the name of your blog? I didn’t want to give my blog any minor name. The name should have something to do with me. “Coloured Footprints” is like a way. It accompanies me and it goes along the same lines as I do. The posts are like “Footprints”. Writing them is like leaving a trace. But the posts I write aren’t any articles which I compose but rather they are articles filled with my “coloured” thoughts, ideas and experiences.
when where you introduced to fashion? Oh, my sympathy for fashion starts when I were very young. As a child I spent most of my time making clothes for my Barbie dolls instead of playing with my friends. I wanted that my dolls have their own special clothes and not the same as all the other dolls from my friends. And now as a teenager I prefer to read fashion magazines instead of my school books. I am completely and utterly obsessed with fashion. I love to design my own clothes and to sew them, but the results are often not as I had requested. But “practice makes perfect” :D My biggest dream for the future right now is to become a fashion designer.
how do you describe your style? I describe my style as ever changing depending what’s on my frame of mind. I don’t have any “all time” favourite style wise, because my preferences are changing every 4 month, I guess. I love to mix up different styles. Sometimes I choose smart and female clothes combined with Vintage style, and on other occasions I am just wearing a baggy t-shirt, sneakers, shorts and loads of accessories. But I always have a try at getting a personal touch.

what made you start a fashion blog? I started blogging in order to show the world a little bit of my lifestyle. I really like to write about random stuff that apparently matters to me for some bizarre reasons. I love to write about fashion, art, design, poetry, music and photography. I also love drawing, sketching, composing poems and I never leave the house without taken my camera along. I think a blog is the perfect way to put all of my ideas, thoughts and pictures into one spot.
what do you think you bring to the fashion blog world? I think at the moment I do not bring that much to the fashion blog world. I just decided to do something about my ideas and collections of pictures and I hope that my blog will offer people some inspiration.
how is your style different than everyone else? In my mind, fashion is a means of expression. With an unconventional outfit you are radiating self-confidence, independence, creativity and happiness to try out new things. It is a display of style and personality. My style is different in the wise how I join my clothes. I love to combine current trends with basics or vintage stuff. I am fond of going to flea markets or scouring the attic for old jewellery.
who is your inspiration? My inspiration is everywhere. I think inspiration surrounds us all the time in

countless forms. The only difficulty is to capture it and make it your own. I always have my eyes open in order to locate new things, I have always thousands of ideas and always love working with everything creative. I started blogging after being inspired by several fashion blogs, especially the Scandinavian ones. I am also inspired by fashion magazines, art, photographs, music/music videos, fashion shows and even by just watching people at the pedestrian zone. I can sit for hours on end finding inspiration on blogs and sites like lookbook, flickr or deviantart without getting bored.
what impression do you want to leave on the people that visits your blog? The impression I want to leave on the people that visits my blog is that I am a nice person with a creative vein, haha :P I hope my blog posts make up an juicy inspiration page full of conceptions, that continue to inspire other people all over the world, and they feeds the visitors with all what they want in such a way as to keep coming back for more. :)

I Still Need to See This

Somebody come with me!

In other news, I went to my grad school orientation yesterday. Good Lord, it was long! It started at 8 am, and I didn't finish till (technically) 5:15. I got home past midnight though, because I had some other errands to run (Ikea!). I'm still tired... but now I have furniture to put together.

Anyway, grad school seems like it'll be fun -- and hard work too. I already have homework, but I just found out what book I need to get. I think I'm going to have to go back down to school before Tuesday and buy the book, since I checked on and they said it would take 2 months for me to get the book. That's not gonna work...

K, enough rambling. But if any of you have questions about college or grad school, feel free to ask and I'll tell you all I know!

Givenchy at Jak & Jil

images from jak & jil

לא יכולתי לוותר על התמונות האלה, כבר כמה ימים שהן מסבות לי אי שקט.
אופנה במיטבה.

I had to publish these pics, I saw them a few days ago and since than I fill kind of restless. Fashion at its best.

The Innumerable Inaudible

Done by request, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Hunt ending September 1. The hunt group has no information in it at the time of posting, so I've included the relocation of some stores to help in facilitating the hunts completion.
Starting location-

SciFi Hunt_1

The landmark in object 24 brings you to a desolate piece of land. The number 25 store is in the process of relocating and may be found @ Izzy Cole Photography. ( )

SciFi Hunt_2

SciFi Hunt_3

The number 37 store has also changed location SB Designs. (

SciFi Hunt_4

Item 77 not pictured is a collection of several gestures.

SciFi Hunt_5

This hunt ends 1 September. Hurry before it's gone.

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

We sure do love our surrealists in this household...

While browsing through Paper Mode's archives, I stumbled across a Magritte-inspired editorial. I'm in heaven!

Photos from Paper Mode, via other sources.