Wednesday 13 April 2011

India: Car of Retired Dalit Officer Washed With Cow's Urine For Purity

India is a place where Minorities and people of low Castes are suffering badly in several States. Minorities and Low Castes are always treated unequally. Earlier this week a incident taken place in Indian State Karela which exposed real face of Indian Democracy and Equality with Minorities. A Dalit Officer A K Ramakrishnan who was Former Inspector General of Registration retired on 31st March and after his retirement other Officers and Workers of his department Washed Car, Furniture and other things used by that officer with Urine of Cow for Purity.

Dalit is considered the lowest Caste In Hindu religion and people of above castes don't even touch the Dalits. On other hand Cow is given great respect in Hinduism and its Urine is also considered Pure. This is why Car and Furniture of this Dalit Officer where Washed with Cow's Urine. Kerala Human Rights Commission has announced to register the case of this Incident.

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