Sunday 10 April 2011

Field Marshal Manekshaw On Bravery of Pakistan Army In 1971 War

Indian Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw Was Chief of Army Staff of Indian Army during 1971 War and he died in 2008 at age of 94. On 28 July 1999 Famous Indian Journalist Karan Thapar done a Interview of Field Marshal Manekshaw. During the Interview Karan Thapar asked a Question From Manekshaw whose Answer   shocked Millions of people in India The Question was how  much Credit of 1971 War Victory goes to you because Pakistan Army not shown any Bravery during this War?

Manekshaw replied its a wrong Perception the truth is that Pakistan Army fought very bravely in 1971 War but their was no chance of their Victory due to several reasons. They where fighting thousands of Kilometers away from their base while preparation for war was very easy for us. There where 15 Indian Soldiers fighting with 1 Pakistani Soldiers so there was no chance of their Victory. Than Manekshaw told the story of a brave Pakistani Soldier Captain Ahsan Malik who fought very bravely alone with Indian Army In Dhaka. Indian Army done several big attacks but Ahsan Malik given them very tough time. After the war Manekshaw even written a letter to Ahsan Malik in which he appreciated his Bravery. It was unique Incident because Chief of Staff of a enemy Country written a letter to admire the bravery of a enemy Country's Soldier. After 1971 War Manekshaw came to Pakistan Twice and both times he went to meet Captain Ahsan Malik. He also said that Ahsan Malik deserves biggest military decoration.  This Interview of Manekshaw makes it clear that Pakistan Army fought with great bravery in 1971 War but they where fighting in such Situation where Victory for them was Impossible.

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