Sunday, 8 May 2011

Hanging out in a rose garden

Can you see what incredibly beautiful colors?
Habéis visto que colores tan increíbles?

Mr Octopus channeling his inner gardener.
El señor pulpo haciendo salir su vertiente jardinera.

He's cute, isnt he?
Es tan monooooo!

And thats me, just chilling in a roses' door.
Y esta soy yo, al lado de una puerta de rosas.

What a beautiful morning we had. The Cervantes park was glooming with light, colors and life. So much beauty everywhere it was hard not to be filled with joy.
You know, its the little things in life that count.
Like walking around a rose garden with that someone you love.
Is there anything else I need?

Menuda mañana tan bonita. El parque Cervantes lucía precioso, lleno de luz, colores y vida. Había tanta belleza alrededor que era difícil no estar feliz.
Sabéis, son esas pequeñas cosas.
Caminar por un jardín de rosas con alguien que quieres.
Se necesita algo más?

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