Monday, 30 November 2009
im not actually being sarcastic or whatever that thought so. im not searching for the answer, i was looking for the question !!! so, what on earth you thought you are ? "am-i-wrong", and all that stuff which were very embarrasing, i just let myself through out up to this matter, but you know, im not the one who had an opinion. its u ! wake up my dear. theres no more 'awak-kite', no more 'playing with barbie doll'. just grow up then.
my dad always told me that everbody on this earth are not that good in friendship. well, i guessed its true. it was really true !! i'm tired of waiting the bla-bla matter which u're gonna say then. i'm tired to be nice at every distance of figures. and sometimes i'd been tired of talking to others with that lacks of confident that i always suffer on. it was because of u, u know !!!!
forgiveness is the easiest way of solving every problem. but u know, what he'd been suffer on after that ? just god only knew that. are u gonna say i'm a bitch ? well, i say before u, I AM A BITCH !!! i would say no after this to everyone. with the smile that i always been on to cheer up people was just worthless ! i repeat ; WORTHLESS ! u got it !
been a way from time was a waste, im not gonna be such an idiot. who cares what u'd said just then, it only words that described the elements. i never had good friends, i keep searching it till death ! but now i'm tired of searching it. come on la. i surrender up to that. i like myself to be alone, but sometimes i need friends to talk with. this feeling is undefined ! it would never ends, and thats im gonna faced la. x(
i'll keep saying to myself ; " tomorrow is better than yesterday "
i'll keep holding the sentence till now !
im sorry if u're in trouble

How do you describe your style Basic... Colorful... Romantic... Glam... Sophisticated... What made you start a fashion blog I wouldn’t say I have a fashion blog. It’s an aspect of my life that I love to blog about but my blog isn’t limited to just fashion. But I was inspired to start blogging about fashion by my good and dear friend, Lily bleedforfashion. She opened me up to the world of fashion blogs and it really inspired me to post my own outfit pictures. I started blogging about fashion in late July of this year. What do you think you bring to the fashion blog world I think I bring a sense of simplicity. I like to keep my outfits fairly simple and I like to create outfits with only a few basic items. You don’t need a lot in order to look good. I think the key is accessorizing your outfits with shoes, bags, scarves, gloves, earrings, bracelets, rings, and necklaces. The simplest touch can add a lot to any outfit even if you’re just wearing jeans and a t-shirt. How is your style different than everyone else I think everyone is different and therefore, everyone has different style. I try and buy unique pieces that suit my personal style and personality. I like keeping up with the trends but I don’t like looking like everyone else so it's important that I add my own twist and spin to each outfit to make it my own. Who is your inspiration

Sarah Jessica Parker in Sex and the City. I like her style because it’s very classy, fun, outrageous, trendy, feminine, and effortless. What impression do you want to leave on the people that visits your blog Dress to impress yourself and not others. I think it’s important to feel good and comfortable in what you wear. Have fun with fashion and try out new trends. You can’t be bothered by what others have to say otherwise your style becomes compromised and limited. Fashion should not be kept in a box of what you can and cannot wear. For me, what I wear reflects my personality, my style, and my creativity just as much as everything else I blog about, and I hope that others can see a little bit of who I am from reading my blog. Who is your favorite designer I don’t exactly wear designer clothing however I really like ready-to-wear runway collections by Lanvin, YSL, and D&G.

StyleCard: Snow Bunny Baby!

Are you still sitting there? Get over to Bare Rose, now!
The stuff;
Outfit (Including Boots): Bare Rose, Super Yukiusa Sisters.
Skin: Curio, Moonbeam, Winter, Snow Angel 2 (Dark).
Hair:, Deena, Melancholy White.
(click on image to expand.)
StyleCard: YS&YS BigSur Boots

The stuff;
Boots: YS & YS, BigSur Boots, Goblin.
Skin: Curio, June Sundust FREX, Doe 1.
Hair: TRUTH, Grace, Toffee.
Outfit: So Many Styles, Button Shirt, Green. & Elephant Outfitters (Armidi), Andi Denim Vest, Sand and Journey Tweed Slacks Coal.
Accessories: Donna Flora, Viola Set. & Redgrave, Driving Gloves, Mustard. & LeLutka, 100% Plastic Bag, Goldenrod (Group Gift).
(click on image to expand.)
Sunday, 29 November 2009

I hope every one had a great Holiday...i had a lovely time with family and, peace and love, until it was time to have my li' man put on his clothes. Heaving a hyper nine year old try on multiple outfits is slow torture... Moving, jumping sliding, flipping, all while Sponge Bob's theme song plays in the back ground... it's worse than pulling teeth...
Lots of shopping news!
Sorry I've been gone so long. But I come bearing lots of good news (and lots of text), including a sweepstakes!
First off, I hope you all have had a lovely Thanksgiving holiday. And if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you had a great week anyway.
So, down to business. I have a link from to a "secret" landing page. On this page, you can enter a sweepstakes for a $100 gift card for the website! Entries are due by December 3 (so my bad for taking so long with this, but you've still got like... 5 days?) and the winner will be notified on Dec. 4th. Good luck! Shop Intuition also has their annual shopping guide up. I always find shopping guides useful, especially when I have NO idea what to get someone.
Second -- and this is what I'm most excited about -- De*Nada's online store is opening! When I first wrote about De*Nada and its designer, Virginia Arrisueno, I mentioned that the store was soon to open. So tomorrow, November 30, go to and check out the entire Autumn and Winter '09 collections. Best part of it? They ship worldwide!! Happy shopping!
Footwear Expo Update!

If you haven't hit the Footwear Expo yet, what are you waiting for? Not only is the Expo home to several amazing new releases, and a great way to discover some new designers, but it is also a great way to support a good cause, Toys for Tots!
One exciting way to contribute is to buy 2009 Footwear Expo Raffle Tickets! Locate the giant green ornaments scattered around the expo grounds and for your 1000 L$ contribution you will be entered into a draw for some amazing prizes! 2 Grand Prizes will be awarded, including prizes furnished by:
The Loft
Reel Expression
*HD* Haven Designs
G Field
Sable Rose
Olive Juice poses
Callie Cline
Tiny Bird
Striking Poses
Shoe Fly
Heart & Soul
aDORKable poses
Miau Haus
StyleCard: Periquita Kulturtant Flats

The stuff;
Shoes: Periquita, Kulturtant Flats.
Skin: Belleza, Jesse, Sunkiss 8 HB.
Hair: TRUTH, Wilma, Chocolate.
Outfit: Muism, VSL Damaged Jeans, Washed. &, Ballet Sweater, Hot Pink. & COCO, FringeVest, Dark Brown.
Accessories: Maitreya, Coin Necklace.
(click on image to expand.)
Saturday, 28 November 2009
The CalmputeOR is Your Friend, Citizen
Additional photographs of scene.
HAIR: [Nouveau Miranda] Amazonia- Freebie - $0 -
WB Foam!
SKIN: .:Glamorize:. Daisy Princess Pack $2/skin; $20/fatpack -
EYES: Poetic Colors - Christmas Fairy Eyes - Freebie - $0 -
CLOTHING: (SELDOM BLUE) Lilia party dress - 1 Linden! - $1 @ Seldom Blue's Icon location -
POSE: Niqotine Poses - $0/1 - crazy sale go ASAP -
HAIR: Hair Voting Present 27th November - A&A Medusa Hair Blackberry (resize scripted) - $0 -
SKIN: (vive9) Freebie Bag -> (vive9) Grace v2 [mocha] Outspoken *brown brows/bellyring* Skin - $0 -
CLOTHING: *:SS:* Happy Xmas Dress - from Sweet Strawberry - $1 -
SHOES: WCI X-Mass boot - from West Coast Influenced - $1 -
POSE: Niqotine Poses
HAIR: previously blogged - ((JUNWAVE))YUKO*D-BROWN*FREE* - $0 - UNISEX Style -
SKIN: *Tuty's* Sophia skin-pale FREBIEE SET OF MAKE-UP - $0 - xstreet -
CLOTHING: .:*WAvE.:*MagSL shinjuku - $1/0 back wall + new additions - m/f -
SHOES: magi take chucker sneaker - $10/pair -
GUNS: S.I.C. 5 sim chapter 1 hunt - You must find 5 hidden objects in order. -
"You may hunt an item by touching objects if you're lucky enough. Wear the item each time you hunt and keep on touching related objects for the next item.You will eventually win the prize by keep hunting items in same way repeatedly. (It is chapter1 this time. Your mission will be completed when you win the final prize.) The first clue is "garbage bag"."-
POSE: Niqotine
CLOTHING: ::: B@R ::: Free Santa Tube & ::: B@R ::: Free Santa Hat - $0 @ Bare Rose -
HAIR: Amacci ~ Danina in all colors - Free Gift - $0 -
SKIN: gift^^ Natural Style Skin (Nude yellow) - $0 - @ H&G MALL Flea Market (Winter2009) - $1 -
(A lot of freebies in this area & more freebies if you take the elevator up to the sky mall area also.)
CLOTHING: Chantkare bag/TART TART Dress $1, (previously blogged) CHANTKARE VENTI DRESS $2, & ChantKare_ FREEBIE $0 - boxes & bags in store (more items than shown) -
POSE: previously blogged - GLITTERATI - Hunt 6 - Glitterati disco ball hunt - 6 disco balls inside & outside store - $0 -
HAIR: ""D!va"" Hair "Miki" Gloup gift limited color - Join group/check notices - advertised in store -
SKIN: Vive9 freebie bag --> (vive9) Grace v2 [caramel] Outspoken *brown brows/bellyring* Sk
OUTIFIT - Myruna - $0 - @ PB Collection -
SKIRT - [mixxES]Denim Skirt & Tie-Dye leggings(group gift_005) - $0/group gift in store -
SHOES: 50 Flats Citrusy Gift - Updated Textures!!! - $0 -
POSE: {SMS} - So Many Styles (not free) -
HAIR: Alli&Ali Designs Present 27th November - $0 group gift in store - A&A
SKIN: *Swallowtail butterfly*anna-skin&shape (SHAPE NOT SHOWN) - $0 -
CLOTHING: $5 sale on black items @ *Luxurious World* until Monday - *LW* Lumina Strapless Dress Black(boxed) sculpted skirt shown & Hot Stuff Leather Pants Black by LW (boxed) -
SHOES & JEWELRY: previously blogged - Ashlee (november freebie) from The Thorn's Rose - find many more $1 items available & also MM Boards - (Ty Desiree) -
POSE: KSCreations / KS2cool - $5/pose pack -
The 2nd Annual Starlust Trash & Garbage Hunt starts later today and runs until 5 December. There are 10 sims to search for trash. The Starlust Motel blog ( highlights gifts, so keep an eye on it. Garbage ranges in price from free to $1. If you keep your eyes peeled you'll spot many freebie areas, vendors featuring samples or gifts, & clams still out from a previous hunt. The small sampling above excluding the pants (from luxurious world's $5 black sale) is either in the hunt, a free item, or $1 item provided on the Startlust sims. Follows are several sim slurls to help you on your way:
Harold -
Horst -
Lloyd -
(items/poses by: !Ohami, tacky star, skinzor, loser, nut, Bliensen, blacklisted, !dada!, Duh!, Olive Juice)
HAIR/HAT/GLOVES: SFH #056 - (Cutie Honey) - Snowflake Hunt ending 9 January (staring slurl in sidebar) - >_< style="font-weight: bold;">SKIN: Glamorize
EYES: Tacky Star
CLOTHING: Mother Goose's - Long Tee $0 -
Friday, 27 November 2009
Gray scale
מעניין לראות את האנשים הסובבים אותי ואת התמודדותם עם אותם אתגרים, התגובות של כל אחד לאותם מצבים הם כל כך שונות, מה שקל לאחד קשה מנשוא עבור אחר ומה שמשעשע מישהו גורם לזה שלידו לפרוץ בבכי. כנראה שהכל תלוי בעיני המתבונן ובנקודת המבט. הדרמות הקטנות שמתחוללות בכל יום בלימודים הן הרי כלום לעומת הדרמות של החיים האמיתיים ולכן חשוב לשמור על פרופורציות, להרים מדי פעם את העיניים מהדף הקטן בו ממוקדות עינינו ולזכור שהדברים אינם רק שחור ולבן.
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Let Me Show You My Giblets
HAIR: MrS Exotic - free black smooth flex hair - $0 - xstreet -
SKIN: (vive9) Freebie Bag ->(vive9) Grace [light] Kawaii 1 *blonde brows* Skin - $0 -
CLOTHING: *Sari's* Gift Lil' Lilac Dress - $0 - (0lder freebie) -
MONOCLE: rose-monocke(pink)/box-Sall!!!!!!!! @ H&G MALL Flea Market (Winter2009) - $1 -
(A lot of freebies in this area & more freebies if you take the elevator up to the sky mall area also.)
HAIR & SHOES: 3636-Vega Sunset (previously blogged)- many gifts under tree $0 -
SKIN: : HS : Heartsick Female Skins Opening Gift - $0 -
CLOTHING: [ Cynful ] - Dance-a-licious Jumper - Thanksgiving Special & [ Cynful ] Denim RetroRomper - November Special - Dollarabie - $1/outfit -
EYEGLASSES: K_gs Faure 1.00 - from Kumaki Glasses Style - Glasses shown from K_gs are lucky board, in store gifts, or Christmas gifts - (Ty Koguma & Connie) -
Info blog:
Japanese blog:
POSES: Glitterati disco ball hunt - 6 disco balls inside & outside store - $0 -
HAIR: ww*hair-079for wedding:Free - on xstreet from White Well- $0 -
White Well shop -
SKIN: : HS : Heartsick Female Skins Opening Gift - $0 -
CLOTHING: Ashlee (november freebie) & Sassy (in brown shown below @ The Thorn's Rose @ Dysis store Congrats on the new store!) - from The Thorn's Rose - find many more $1 items available & also MM Boards - (Ty Desiree) -
HAIR: Poetic Justice Braids- Hair - $1 - xstreet -
SKIN: Freebie Skin @ CandyDoll-body shop - $1/freebie skin -
CLOTHING: ::HH:: Hucci Glitterati Opening Hunt Gift - $0 - search for silver disco ball -
JEWELRY: GLITTERATI - Hunt (LacieCakes) 1 - $0 -search for silver disco ball
POSES: Glitterati - hunt prizes - search for silver disco balls
HAIR: .:: KMH ::. Hair Free002 - $0/1? (previously blogged)-
SKIN: ::DS:: Lauree Malibu (M/M) @ Dulce Secrets - MM Board -
CLOTHING: Annechen Day Dress, c.1900 (Red), Sophia-Blue, & Mrs. Astors Thanksgiving Dress, Hat and Shoes @ Skye Qi's Vintage Clothing Reproductions - $0 brown chests -
StyleCard: Kookie Pomski Boots

Visit Kookie at Footwear Expo or the Main Store Location to find these.
The stuff;
Skin: Curio, June Sundust FREX, Dark Swan 1.
Hair/Hat: ::69::, Escape 2, Faded Brown.
Outfit: Muism, Yeti Jacket, White. & DP Yum Yum, Leggings, Brown. & Mischief, Spring Chill Sweater, Camel. & Maitreya, RB Tank, Fuchsia Red.
Necklace: Second Mirage, Khione Necklace.
(click on images to expand.)
StyleCard: Kitties Lair Zara

Visit Kitties Lair at Footwear Expo or at the Main Store Location.
The stuff;
Shoes: Kitties Lair, Zara Sandals, Red.
Skin: Rockberry, Uma, Natural C.
Hair: Foam, The Melody 2, Brown A.
Dress: Donna Flora, Licia Dress.
Accessories: U&R Dogs, Rocksteady Bracelet and Earrings. & Candy Nail, Basic Prim Nails Red05.
(click on images to expand.)
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Help Wanted

You can help Flutter fulfill her footwear dreams by doing some shopping at Flowey Poses.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Kalnins Gives Back!

Be sure and visit Kalnins to sign up today!
UPDATE: The gift card will only be effective between November 25th and 27th, Kalnins apologizes for any inconveinience.
Monday, 23 November 2009
StyleCard: On My Tiny Toes

The design is meant to extend the leg, and since I have always prided my avatar as having a sexy leg without any external help, perhaps the super slim leg and petite foot were not really designed with me in mind. If however you are a fan of the trend for SL fashion models to have legs set to 100 and next to no body fat then these are likely a very elegant and soaring slice of fashion well suited to you. Visit 24Shoo Shoes at Expo or the Main Store to see more!
The stuff;
Shoes: 24Shoo Shoes, Wow! No.19, Black.
Skin: Belleza, Jesse Sunkiss, 1 HB.
Hair: DejaVu, Mademoiselle, Black (hand tinted bands).
Dress: Beauty Avatar, Bayonne Dress.
Accessories: UZURI, Zamani, Silver Bangle. & Creamshop, Glam Earrings, Red.
(click on image to expand.)
StyleCard: A Little Bit of Heart & Sole

Heart & Sole proudly promises reasonable prices on their footwear, and they deliver, the Drops shoes have the look of a decadent jewel embellished sandal but the ticket price is very affordable. Pulled together with linked pieces of leather, the shoe has a pair of dangling jewels on chains that have a slight glimmer from the texture change gems. Visit Heart & Sole at Expo or at the main store location to see more!
The stuff;
Look 1 -
Shoes: Heart & Sole, Broken, Purple.
Skin: Curio, June - Sundust FREX, Dark Allium 2.
Hair: DP Yum Yum, BarberYumYum 19, Brown.
Outfit: Bijou, Nightmare, Dark Purple.
Accessories: COCO, Long Gloves, Black. & Donna Flora, Dolores, Purple (Earrings from Set).
Look 2 -
Shoes: Heart & Sole, Drops, Black.
Skin: Curio, June - Sundust FREX, Dark Daylily 2.
Hair: DP Yum Yum, BarberYumYum 17, Brown.
Outfit: Bijou, Phantom Dance.
Accessories: CHLOE, Black Night Bracelet & Necklace.
(click on images to expand.)
StyleCard:C'est Magnifico!

The Envy Boots fall into the oh-so-popular knee high boot category, with very detailed crinkled polished leather calves. Also available in some bold bright colors, and full color set, these are equally nice in monochromatic grey or black. Visit Magnifico at Footwear Expo or at their Main Location!
The stuff;
Look 1 -
Boots: Magnifico Shoes, Cage Boots, All Color Set.
Skin: Curio, June - Sundust FREX, Dark Swan 2.
Hair:, Rashelle, Timid Brown.
Outfit: Luck Inc., Sweater Dress, Bulgarian Rose. & Armidi Limited, Metallic Tights, Black.
Accessories: M * A * ii * K * I, High Waisted Belt, Patent Black.
Look 2 -
Boots: Magnifico Shoes, Envy Boots, All Color Set.
Skin: Curio, June - Sundust FREX, Dark Doe 1.
Hair:, Deena, Scornful Red.
Outfit: Snatch, Cashmere Sweater and Scarf (Multicolor Set). & Armidi, Grace Jeans, Bleached.
Accessories: Argyle, Autumn Bangles, Fushia.
(click on images to expand.)
Sunday, 22 November 2009

what made you start a fashion blog well, we wouldn't say it's a fashion blog. the reason we started to blog was because we love to take photos (and also to pose, lol) and we wanted a place where we could show our photos. another reason was because we had too much time and very few plans. what do you think you bring to the fashion blog world hopefully more than other fashion blogs dohow is your style different than everyone else it's not. but it is not similar to everyone elses either. who is your inspiration ugly clothes on pretty people (not necessarily obvious
prettiness but pretty as in having something extraordinary) what impression do you want to leave on the people that visits your blog we want them to have the same feeling as when you first realize you have a crush, you know..? how is your
favorite designer don't have one. designer clothes often become tedious because of the hype. we like second hand clothes better.
a pair of good tights. was that a bad answer? haha. but no, all of our clothes are must haves. one thing we would have a hard time living without is our docs. so i guess that's a must have in our closet.

Olivia +
StyleCard: G Field at Footwear Expo

Not a new release, but newly released in this fun houndstooth pattern, the Figure Pumps, also from G Field, are a classic looking little pump. I really love the little knotted bow on the toe and other smart details. These are very affordable and well worth grabbing a pair (or two). Visit G Field at the Footwear Expo to see all the available colors and patterns. Also keep an eye out for an additional new release, a Ribbon Slingback!
G Field at Expo, or Main Store Location.
The stuff;
Skin: Curio, June Sundust FREX, Dark Racoon 2.
Hair: TRUTH, Talullah, Mocha.
Outfit: So Many Styles, Tartan Skirt, Grey. & En Svale, Cardigan, Charcoal. & Maitreya, RB Tank, Black.
Accessories: TAP (5th & Oxford), Gloves, Short Grey. & Armidi, Sweater Scarf, Faded Chic. & Artileri, Knit Earmuffs, Black.
Look 2 -
Shoes: G Field, Figure Pumps, Hound Tooth Red.
Skin: Curio, June Sundust FREX, Dark Doe 1.
Hair: TRUTH, Lizzie, Toffee.
Outfit: Armidi Gisaci, Lima Trenchcoat, Nero. & GLAM, Solid Tintable Lycra Tights.
Accessories: Argrace, Long Stole, Paisley Red.
(click on images to expand.)
StyleCard: Double Dose of Nardcotix

The Eva Slingback is a great retro shoe updated in several attractive snakeskin options. The shoe is set upon a stacked wood heel and buckles attractively at the ankle. The real charm of this otherwise classically styled shoe is the sculpted bow wrap of the toe, another really special must have sort of shoe that bares an exotic mix of texture and practical style!
Find both of these styles and more at Footwear Expo, and later at the Nardcotix Main Store.
The stuff;
Look 1 -
Skin: Curio, Sundust FREX, Dark - Pure 4.
Hair: MiraiStyle, Gran, Cream.
Outfit: Fishy Strawberry, Oversized Cardigan & Socks, Brown. & Persona, Woolen Tights, Pink. & LeLutka Lingerie, Nicola Lingerie Set, Pink Bra.
Necklace & Earrings: Mezzo, Bear & Cupcake Necklace and Soft Ice Cream Earrings.
Look 2 -
Shoes: Nardcotix, Eva Slingback, Beige.
Skin: Curio, Sundust FREX, Dark - Doe 2.
Hair: MiraiStyle, Bana, Latte.
Outfit: Donna Flora, Karen (Cream Skirt).
Accessories: Donna Flora, Dolores Set, Gold.
(click Images to expand.)