Monday 10 January 2011

Pakistan Demands Samjhota Express Investigation Report From India

India's Acting High Commissioner G.V Sri in Pakistan was called in Foreign Ministry On Monday where he was told to provide Investigation report of Samjhota Express blasts to Pakistan.  In 2007 Samjhota Express blasts taken place Near Delhi killing 68 people most of which where Pakistanis. Samjhota Express was coming to Pakistan from India when it was targeted by Hindu Extremists.

Indian Government and Media as usual blamed Lashkar Taiba for this attack that time but later on Former ATS Chief Hemant Karkare arrested a Indian Army Lt Col for this attack and found in Investigation that Hindu Extremists and people from within Indian army where involved in this attack. After death of Hemant Karkare in 2008 the Investigation of Samjhota Express blasts was stopped. Last week Samjhota Express Blasts again become headline of Media when a Hindu Extremist Leader of RSS Swami Aseemanand confessed that Hindu Extremists done this attack.  He also confessed that Hindu Extremists groups are involved in many terrorist attacks such as Macca Masjid Attack, Ajmer Blast andMalegaon Blast.

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