Saturday 8 January 2011

Biggest Problems of Pakistan In New Year 2011

New Year 2011 has started last week and whole world is making plans for the new years. Pakistan that faced a tough 2010 year has entered in new year with several major problems which it will have to cop with in 2011. Most of these Pakistanis are hopeful that this tough time will be over soon and Pakistan will comeback on the road of the progress. Following are the major problems that Pakistan will have to face in 2011.

Terrorism: It is the biggest problem with which Pakistan will have to fight to comeback on roads of Progress. Terrorism has destroyed Pakistani economy, its image and taken thousand of Lives.

Bad Economy: Pakistani Economy is also in a bad condition in new year and many Improvements are needed to improve its situation. Inflation and Unemployment is also high due to bad condition of Economy.

Crimes: Its another big problem that Pakistan is facing in new year 2011. Rate Crimes in big cities specially Karachi is increased very much. Rape Cases are also increasing in last couple of years.

Foreign Influence: Influence of Some Foreign countries specially America has increased very much in internal matters of Pakistan that is causing problems so Pakistan will have to get rid of it. Foreign Intelligence Agencies such as RAW, CIA and Mossad are also trying  to create problems in Pakistan.

Corruption: Corruption is another big problem of Pakistan in 2011. From President to Prime Minister everyone is involved in Corruption Scandals. Pakistan need to get rid of this Corrupt Government to make progress.

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